
British society is "liberal." We advocate freedom fashionable. Because freedom not only represents the real and natural, but also means unfettered. Matter large or small, fresh, indifferent LORI Or hippie ......
we want to take you out of The limitations of any style, explore the little-known to you, for you tailor the camera. If true then the heart of the vast,
unrestrained and why not? That is true at the moment you are the most beautiful record!

英伦社摄影 摄影部 The photography department


英伦社摄影 化妆部 Makeup Department


英伦社摄影 数码部 Digital Department

如有意向请发送简历至 237816589@qq.com 联系人:英伦社
Copyright 2011 http://www.cdinlove.com British social photography studio

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